Sometimes a picture says it all.
“I left behind my worries”. A scene from a soon-to-be released book from one of my favorite author and illustrator Peter H. Reynolds “WHEN THINGS AREN”T GOING RIGHT – GO LEFT”, in collaboration with the amazing Marc Colagiovanni.
It is a book about moving forward. A message that we all need at the start of a new year. I cannot wait to read his book.
How often we carry our invisible backpack of worries or fears in our life journey. If we want to move on, first thing that we need to do is to let the past go and look toward future with hope.
What do you want to leave behind from 2022?
My wish for you - no matter where your life has led you in 2022 - is for you to take that next step in 2023 and live the story that you have always wanted.
Dream. Create. Change.
Thank you 2022 and Hello 2023!