Meet Antony

Certified counsellor and coach - English & Chinese speaking.
I support adults at all ages from 18+ here in the Netherlands and overseas
Offering face to face session in Amsterdam or online
Specialties : stress and anxiety/ depression/ trauma recovery/ addiction /phobias/ grief & Loss/ self-esteem / perfectionism/ family & relationships / Life & career coaching
I am trained at various disciplines in mental health and personal growth : Human Givens psychotherapy, Person-Centered counselling, Family constellation, Transactional Analysis, Business and Team Coaching, Life Coaching, Grief & Loss etc.
Apart from 1-to-1 session, I also have a passion in conducting training workshops promoting community awareness on personal growth and mental health.

Counsellor - Therapist - Coach

Hong Kong to UK to Tulips
我是Antony ,香港人,在香港成長及受教育。90年代在香港城市理工大學修讀工商管理,在香港曾在商業機構及房屋物業管理工作。90年代後期前往英國國留學兩年進修MBA工商管理碩士。 20年前因工作來到荷蘭,有機會在兩間性質不同的國際機構從事財務及商業管理的工作,亦有機會在荷蘭繼續進修財務管理碩士,一直定居這地方至今。
“Life is like watercolor. You don't need all colors. You can mix them and create your own ”
Antony Tse
Coaching & Burnout
其後有機會接觸有關coaching這範疇,在coaching sessions 中,給了我一個很好的空間,探討及思考一些一直以來也沒有思考的範疇 – 入生的方向,passion,夢想,發現自己一直給自己定下boundaries,而這些都是成長背景及社會social norms 所影響著。
coaching sessions 結束後,決定在荷蘭修讀coaching,輔導學(counselling), 和心理學,希望在當中對個人成長及心理/情緒健康有更深的認識。
Another Story Another Chapter

It takes more courage than brains to be a a mental health practitioner
在荷蘭修讀輔導和心理學的範疇包括情緒健康;child attachment style與個人成長的關係;家庭及人際關係;生命咨詢(life coaching); 職業咨詢 (career counselling);trauma成長創傷 ;mourning & loss 等等。這段進修時間是我人生的重整期,不但對自己的性格,價值觀,人生信念等有了很深入的了解,也特別對我們華人的成長文化有更多的探討及反思。也認定了希望在人生下半場能夠在這方向發展。
Connect me. I would love to hear your stories.

Post-graduate Diploma - Academie voor Coaching and Counselling (NL) Specialisation- Family & Relationship
HG.Dip (Trainee) Psychotherapy Human Givens Institute (UK)
- DiMAP Diploma in Modern Applied Psychology (The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, UK)
Master in Finance, Tilburg University (the Netherlands)
Master in Business Administration (MBA) in International Business, University of Bristol (UK)
Other professional trainings
Science and Health: An Evidence-based approach (The Open University, UK)
Certificate Introduction to Transactional Analysis (the Link Centre, UK)
Foundation Training Non-Violent Communication (NVC Resolutions, UK)
Online & Telephone Counselling (Counselling Tutor, UK)
Professional Association & Memberships
Registered Coach/Counsellor – LVSC
Graduate Member (GHGI) Human Givens Institute
European Therapy Studies Institute (ETSI)
Vereniging Human Givens Nederland (HGN)
International Association of Counselling (IAC)